Monday, December 11, 2023

Power Automate - Populate Lookup field error

When using Power Automate to populate a lookup field, you might encounter a failure with the following error: "Error - URL was not parsed due to an ODataUnrecognizedPathException. Resource not found for the segment provided in the URL." 

This issue arises because mapping lookup fields requires extra attention. 

When mapping normal fields, simply use the value from dynamic content, as shown below:

But while mapping lookup values (dynamic), it involves placing the lookup field schema name within braces, like this: logicalname(GUID) 
Note- my lookup fieldd name is new_memo
and plural name of entity(suppose entity is contact then it should be contacts(Value) )

For lookup values, use either the field logicalname(GUID) or /logicalname/GUID

If you're populating a particular static lookup value, obtain the GUID of that record and input it accordingly.

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